Team Golden Dragon

Adults Syllabus


1)  6 Hands  
2)  of 6Hands, 
3)  4elements of grappling, 
4)  basics kicking
5)  jab cross  4combinations.
6)  shoulder drill with 3 applications,
7)  9 angles of Arnis stick, 
8)  11 angles of Knifes..
9)  4Gymnastic routines
10)  ongaurd gate entry drill.


1)  Progression drill
2)  Sensitivity Greg flow drill
3) Duck, bobbing, weaving, slipping 
4) Shoulder flow drill with 5 combinations
5) 6count Heaven earth drill (empty hand)
6) 6 count heaven earth cross hand drill (empty hand)
7) 10 elements of grappling
8)  front roll and back roll combinations
9)  kick punch combinations
10)  Jab cross hook & uppercut combinations


Siu nim Tao 
Stomp – side – spin kick drill.
Jab jab cross jab – low kick defense & counter kick
Heaven earth 5 drills
Knife slapping hand drill
Empty hand versus knife flow drill
Shoulder COUNTER partner drills
Knife 4 angles and counter strikes 
Short sticks 4 angles & counter strikes.
Knife parter flow drill 1st
Short sticks sumbrada (largo mano)
Greg drill and applications. 
5 takedowns 


1) Tapi Tapi stick 1st drill
2.) Stick 8 figure single hand twirls
3) Elbow drill 
4) Jopsao drill
5) Punch Energy drill 
6) Fixed elbow drill
7) Heaven earth 10 drills
8) 10 take downs & 
9) Chain punch/kick applications in combat
10)  Siu nim tao competitive routine
11) 10 takedowns
12) Dan chi sao


1)  Knife and stick disarmaments
2)  Joint locks
3) 14 Takedowns
4)  Chum kui
5) Submissions
Energy driils & 10 applications techniquesÂ